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Datalumen offers end-to-end intelligent data governance solutions that brings together people, processes, and systems with a holistic, collaborative approach to deliver strategic business outcomes.

The goal of data governance is to ensure data delivers business value. After all, data is merely the means to an end—and that end is improved business performance. 

Datalumen is here to help you take your data governance to the next level.


  • Common, consistent understanding of business definitions

    Define the terminology, rules and regulations with a business glossary for improved data usage and reduced data risk.

  • Manage and define data relationships

    Reconcile missing records and other inconsistencies between systems with reference data management for more accurate reporting and analysis.

  • Reduce the risk of compliance failures

    Create, review and update data policies with centralized policy management to maintain compliance across your business.

  • Create a unified view of your data assets

    Efficiently discover and gain comprehensive visibility into data assets across your organization.

  • Easily find and request access to data

    Quickly find and assess data in a Data Marketplace — an integrated self-service portal enabling data consumers to shop for curated, ready-to-use data.

  • Connect data to useful business context

    Drive data understanding and trust by linking data to relevant glossary terms, policies, quality metrics, stakeholders and more.

Pssst! Let's face it... DATA is a STRATEGIC asset!

Of course! But if data is so strategic... Why is data GOVERNANCE such an afterthought?

Everyone is talking about it but unfortunately quite a lot of companies still approach it the old way...

What is the old way?


A siloed project approach focused only on compliance.

Don't companies spend all their time struggling to document & implement Data Governance?

Right... And in the end no one trusts their data.

What should you do?

It is time for a different approach that gives you data that is EASY to access, understand and use.


In a Rand Worldwide Data Governance Survey,
96 percent of respondents indicated that
data governance was extremely important
within their organization.

Data Governance Assessment

Discover the Business Value behind Data Governance

The Data Governance Assessment is an opportunity to discover opportunities and helps the organization measure its health, growth and maturity in Data Management. You will obtain a high degree of visibility and transparency into your organization’s actual state of Data Governance. It will offer valuable insights, best practices and recommendations to make a convincing business case justification either for implementing a Data Governance program or making corrective and transformative changes to the current Data Governance program.

No matter the prevailing governance climate within the organization, we can help you drive the discussions, support decisions, and ultimately obtain alignment and executive champions for the Data Governance program. We link the pain points and opportunities to the key strategic business drivers and initiatives to help key stakeholders understand the business value proposition of a Data Governance program. We show how the proposed Data Governance program will accelerate the time to deploy solutions, reduce cost and risks related to data quality issues, increase compliance and confidence in data assets and reduce data complexity with reuse across the organization.

Working side by side with your team, Datalumen consultants will understand your current environment, strategic vision, challenges and data usage in order to develop an approach to transform your data into trusted assets, transform your people into effective collaborators and transform your processes into seamless flows. We have helped many organizations harness the potential of their data.


  • Assess readiness to support business goals and changes involving Information Management
  • Attain a common understanding and value proposition of Data Governance
  • Align Data Governance to strategic/key initiatives
  • Identify the optimal Data Governance framework and model to reduce costs, minimize risks and increase compliance and quality
  • Offer improvements leveraging Data Governance Best Practices to resolve data quality issues

Typical Duration

  • Depending on the scope 2+ weeks