TDWI Checklist Report | Trusted Information for Analytics

Trusted information is a critical success factor for any decision-making process that employs data warehousing, business intelligence, or business analytics. There is a growing trend today for scaling up data acquisition, intake, and analysis; there are ever more numerous ways of reusing and repurposing data; and there is a continued hubbub focused on big data and its intersection with high-performance analytics. It is important to remember that the benefits of these activities have always relied, and will continue to rely, on the quality of the data as ensured by end-to-end information management and oversight.

In this TDWI Checklist Report, we look at key tasks and activities that bolster the organization’s level of trust in information. We span the life cycle of data quality assurance, focusing on clearly articulating the business value proposition and engaging the business data consumers, then standardizing best practices and automating their implementation.

Employing standard methods through the use of data discovery, data validation, cleansing, and reporting tools provides a collaborative environment for auditable inspection, monitoring, and communication of adherence to the enterprisewide expectations for trusted information.

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